
“This site is for training purpose. Fork and customise the template site if you want to replicate this toolkit.”


*Create a copy of this document to fill out the information for your Lab’s tool.

*Tip: for easier navigation, open the document in the Word App (not the browser) and use the navigation panel to move throughout the document.

Table of contents

Table of contents 1

1. About 1

2. Factsheet – Add your tool’s info here! 3

3. Final steps for submitting your tool 6

Saving the file 6

Filling out a form with the basic information 6

1. About

About Track B: Regional Toolkit

What is the toolkit for?

The toolkit is aiming to gather and organize the work of our region to share concrete tools that can be used and replicated by other country offices.

As the Acc Lab Global Team puts it, to put the findings and learnings of the Acc Lab Network at the fingertips of all UNDP’.

What is the toolkit about?

The toolkit will organize the tools based on UNDP six solutions (Strategic Plan) and the three enablers.

Who is the audience?

Our first target audience is internal: other UNDP colleagues from different teams (national, regional, global levels).

We will be organizing diverse events to introduce the existence of this toolkit and showcase it in action.

How would the toolkit look like?

We got inspire by the work done by the Accelerator Global Team on the “National Innovation Ecosystems Toolkit.” Thus, we are applying the same logic to map and share tools. Please navigate the** **mini website**to see the example**; we will have one just like it for our regional toolkit.

Important: the subject of public sector innovation is just an example, our toolkit can contain any topic.

What goes on the toolkit? How do I know what can be used as a tool?

Please review the tools that are currently shared in the “National Innovation Ecosystems Toolkit” (leaving here two tools for you to click tool 1, tool 2).

A tool can take various formats and shapes (methodology, organization model, prototype, ToRs, digital tool, etc).

The two key criteria of selection for a tool would be:

  • Is this tool ready to be shared? Is it scalable? Does it have concrete results?
  • Does this tool stand alone? Can it be easily understood and replicated by another team?

Keep in mind that we are not looking for summaries of the Lab’s initiatives or action plans, but rather for TOOLS.

How many tool templates can each Lab submit?

There is not maximum number of tools per Lab, we are looking for quality rather than quantity.

How will we ensure the quality of our tools? (peer review)

We would like to make a collective effort to review our tools, thus each tool template author will be requested to review another tool.

About this factsheet:

  • This factsheet allows you to share your work with a UNDP broad audience.
  • Each factsheet is meant to describe one tool , which can include one or more resources (manual, ToRs, blog post, flyer, PPT, Code, etc.).
  • We are not looking for a full description of ALL the work that you have done, but rather for ONE tool that can stand alone, please unbundle your work.
  • For example, the whole of Thinkia, Ecuador’s citizen innovation lab, is not a single tool, but many. We provide a factsheet for one of its component tool, its multistakeholder governance model. We believe such a model can be applied, with the necessary changes, to projects other than Thinkia, where the same problem of sharing the governance between the public sector and other stakeholders exists.
  • The factsheet should contain concise descriptions and be no longer than two pages.

For questions or comments, you can contact:

Ana Grijalva (ana.grijalva@undp.org) – Head of Exploration Ecuador

Gabriela Ríos (gabriela.rios@unp.org) – Head of Exploration Mexico

2. Factsheet

Tool: Guide for Volunteers (EXPERIMENT#1)

Fill out your tool’s information in this section. _ The factsheet should contain concise descriptions and be no longer than two pages. _

Title of your tool

  • Choose a title that uses simple words of common use rather than jargon. A suggested format is the tool’s function + a defining characteristic of the tool. For example: a multistakeholder (defining characteristic) governance model (function).
  • The title should be in Heading 1 style. Do not alter the normal style to make the text look like a title, or you will break the rendering process onto the website.
  • The title should not contain the word “Factsheet”

Contribuyendo a la Aceleración del Desarrollo Sostenible desde el Voluntariado

Contributing to Accelerate Sustainable Development with Volunteers

What it does.

List the three actions/activities that your tool allows to do (offer).

_ Suggestion: _ This [title of the tool] allows you to do [action 1], [action 2], and [action 3].

This guide for volunteers offers materials to transfer capacities to conduct solution mapping, exploration of data sources, future scanning, and experimentation activities that can be implemented quickly while addressing needs from people in the field.

Value proposition for the government/other partner.

Describe the advantage using your tool will bring about.

_ Suggestion _: By having a [title of the tool], you will enable [the partner] to achieve [something of value and align with UNDP’s signature solutionsand the SDGs].

By using the volunteers guide, organizations can engage their members in activities that address development challenges in a collective way, document their learnings, and increase the scope of their impact.

Why and when to use it.

Give detail about the “right” environment for this tool to be effectively used.

_ Suggestion: _ This tool is most useful when [situation 1], [situation 2], and [situation 3].

This tool is useful when organizations engage volunteers in the field and there is a need to learn quickly from the needs of people. Volunteers can become the eyes and hands that help learn and act quickly in response to people’s needs.

Known issues and troubleshooting.

Explain which are the necessaries requirements for this tool to be used so that the user know when not to use it.

_ Suggestion: _ If there is a lack of [requirement 1], [requirement 2], and [requirement 3], it is not yet the best moment to make use of this tool.

If there is no intention to go to the field, there is no need to learn alternative solutions, no action will be informed by learning, or there are no resources to facilitate the exchange of learnings, it is not yet the best moment to make use of this tool.


Describe how this tool came into existence. If it is part of a bigger effort, describe that too.

This tool came to existence after building an alliance between UNDP and Centro de Voluntariado Guatemalteco (CVG). We realized that volunteers had a unique opportunity to contribute to development given their proximity with the conditions of people in need. Their eyes and hands on the ground are an invaluable resource to map solutions, explore sources of information, anticipate futures, and experiment with innovations. We realized that the profound personal experiences and learnings from volunteers had an untapped potential when it’s integrated into collective learning experiences that we can build our understandings and possibilities for action.

Cost to implement.

How much does it cost, in USD, to implement this tool?

_ Suggestion: _ think about what the partner would spend to implement, not about how much it cost to create it in the first place.

The cost to implement is mainly human time. It can be adapted to the conditions, but it helps to have a venue, capacity to share visual materials, internet connection, materials for co-designing, food for participants.


How much time does it take to develop and implement? In calendar time

_ Suggestion: _ think about the number of weeks or months someone would need to implement this tool.

The time of implementation can be as short as half a day, when only using parts of the volunteer guide, or it can be a full program with field visits over a three months.


Describe the team needed to implement. Try to avoid just sharing the hierarchy rank and rather focus on their roles.

_ Suggestion: _ number of members of the team and responsibilities.

At the very least, the implementation requires one facilitator with knowledge of the volunteer guide to implement the workshops. Additionally, other functions that are needed are the logistics for bringing people together and accommodating the venue. And the participants.

Focal point.

Name(s) of the authors of this tool. Short biography (max. 150 words).

The authors are Javier Brolo and María Inés Castañeda. Javier Brolo is Head of Experimentation at the Accelerator Lab in Guatemala.

Country, year, and language.

This information helps contextualize the tool.

The tool was developed in Guatemala in 2022 and it’s in Spanish.


A list of the resources supporting the tool. There can be more than one resource, each one presenting the same content in different forms: for example a concept note and a slide deck of the same project, or the syllabus for a course and the link to a blog post explaining the logic behind the course. Resources can be either files attached to the toolkit or links to external web resources. List all the resources you have available and include the links you have (in the last section of this template we’ll direct you to a form where you can upload the files you want to submit as attachments).

The tol can be downloaded from here:


Inside the guide, there is a list of additional resources supporting the tool: Mural, Zoom, Whatsapp, Google Docs, and several templates to use during the workshop.

3. Final steps for submitting your tool

You are almost there! Please follow the next steps to submit your tool J

Saving the file

  1. Name the file: save your document with the following codification:

Your country’s abbreviation_Date (year-month-day)_Short title of your tool

See example:

MX_230907_NLP for effective policy

  1. Save the file in this folder: 1. Collection of factsheets (tools)– you can also access this folder under the files of the “Region-Latin America and the Caribbean” Teams channel in the Accelerator Labs Network Teams.

Filling out a form with the basic information

Please fill out this short form to complete your submission: https://forms.office.com/e/fdmE7WBfm1

This form will help us identify how your tool relates to the Strategic Plan and the Regional programme document for LAC. You can also upload your resources there.

Last update: September 7, 2023