Tong Atak
UNDP South Sudan Accelerator Lab
Head of Solutions Mapping
Eng. Tong Atak is the Head of Solutions Mapping and the Digital Advocate at UNDP South Sudan. He studied his bachelor’s degree in computer engineering at Queen Mary University of London. He is a practicing engineer and has over 5 years of experience working in telecoms with Nokia across Western Europe in Research & Development and development and technical account management. At UNDP, one of the notable projects Eng. Tong has project led was a pilot scheme to digitalize the traditional Sanduk savings scheme and migrate the analog process onto the M-Gurush platform. The success of this joint pilot with M-Gurush led to the development of a digital Sanduk called mSanduk being launched nationwide on their platform and being made available as a value-added service to their 1.7 million customer base. In addition, Eng. Tong in his capacity as the UNDP Digital Advocate works to identify and realize opportunities for digital project design and delivery in UNDP to be able to support the developmental aspirations of our lead partner the Government of South Sudan.