A governance model for an innovation unit run by diverse actors

What it does.

This tool enables the establishment of a governance model for an innovation unit led by the government, where decision-making processes and action implementation involve a diverse group of actors from academia, the private sector, civil society organizations, and the cooperation sector. The governance model delineates the organization’s structure and dynamics among the actors, specifies the responsibilities of each member, and outlines the financing methods for sustaining the innovation unit.

Value proposition for the government/other partner and SDG alignment.

With a decentralized and multi-actor governance model, the government can achieve greater transparency and participatory public management. This model also establishes a framework for the government to engage effectively with the broader national innovation ecosystem in social and public affairs by providing guidance on sharing governance with other stakeholders and forming coalitions. This tool contributes to SDG 16 “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions” and target 16.7 “ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels”.

Why and when to use it.

This tool is most useful when the government has an established framework that promotes accountability, transparency, and openness in public management. This framework could be established through legislation, international agreements, or the creation of a new public innovation unit. Once the framework is identified, it’s important to map the involved actors and their agendas to facilitate the convening of these stakeholders. Additionally, the governance model should be translated into the official language from Spanish.

Known issues and troubleshooting.

If the government counterpart has recently shown interest in understanding and working on citizen participation and public innovation, this tool may not be as effective since it requires a higher level of comprehension and commitment from civil servants. It’s efficient to adopt and adjust an existing governance model rather than creating a new one; however, this should not hinder the initiation of a participatory process with local government counterparts and actors.


As a member of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), Ecuador is committed to fostering a more open and participatory government. As part of the OGP Action Plan 2019-2022, the country aimed to establish an Innovation Citizen Lab for the first time. In 2022, UNDP’s Accelerator Lab played a pivotal role by providing technical assistance to design, implement, and operate the Citizen Lab, known as Thinkia. The Secretariat of Higher Education and Innovation of Ecuador leads this initiative, collaborating with seven other actors, including academia (2), civil society organizations (2), other public institutions (2), and the cooperation sector (UNDP). The government employs a shared and decentralized governance model for Thinkia: Citizen Lab, involving various actors in the management team and decision-making processes. UNDP’s Accelerator Lab developed the governance model proposal and facilitated its implementation.

Cost to implement

USD 3,000 - 6,000


To identify actors, convene, and coordinate their collaboration on a common agenda it will take 3 to 4 months.


To use this tool the following team members will be required:

  • A person to pitch key ideas to the government to have multi-actor governance model. Also, to convene and coordinate joint work between actors and set a common agenda.
  • A person to support all the logistics of the coordination work and set first drafts on a common agenda.

Focal Point.

[Ana M. Grijalva] (https://undp-accelerator-labs.github.io/Innovation-Toolkit-for-UNDP-Signature-Solutions/contributors/Ana%20M.%20Grijalva.html)

Country, year, and language

Ecuador, 2022, Spanish
